I've wanted to start a blog for a long time, so we'll see how this turns out.
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Bethany and i'm in the tenth grade. Next year I'm graduating from highschool, and i'm pretty pumped for that!
So why'd I start this blog? I guess because I feel like I have a lot to put out there, and taking every oppurtunity to do so would be beneficial for those around me, because I love to encourage and pray for everyone I meet. This blog will be centered around christianity and my walk in the faith. I've learnt a lot as I've walked with God.
I guess i'll just run through quickly who I am and how I came to be. I grew up in a Christian home, my parents are both missionaries here, in southern Quebec. Ever since I can remember, I've gone to a loud, lively church and most of my friends have been born-again christians. I was always a shy kid, growing up- many family members tell me I was funny, and laughed a lot. Once I entered Highschool and my sister had already gotten married, a lot of changes were happening in my life. At this point, I was still a believer but doubted not God's existance, but if he was a loving God, I didn't feel very loved by Him.
So i went through a lot, until finally I came to a point where I had to make a critical decision. I chose God, and ever since I've been living for Him. It's been 3 years since that dark time of my life, and a lot has happened for the good! He blesses us once we turn to Him.
Last March I went to Panama on my first missions trip. It was so encouraging, and me and 9 other classmates from my school witnessed. We led others to Christ, and it was incredible! This past summer I went on another missions trip with my youth group- to Chicago, Illinois, US. Awesome experience as well, as we led a VBS there, down south.
I plan to study social service in Cegep (after i graduate next year), unless God lead's me somewhere else. I have a huge burden for the needy.
"I serve the needy, because I was once in need."
So yea, welcome to my space! Hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit better and I'm aiming to help others in their walk.
If you ever want to contact me personally, my email is : bethanyfrank@ymail.com
Bethany Grace
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