Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Faith In Action.

Dear Followers & Friends,

We have nfinished our second day of home missions, and I am feeling refreshed. When I arrived at school this morning, we immediately started to plan out our day and pray. We left the school at 9h30 and headed towards LaCorde. LaCorde is a Christian organization under Youth For Christ which feeds kids in the local neighbourhood during their school lunch hour.

Because these kids are less priviliged than we are, some families have a hard time coming up with the means to pay for a lunch and snack for them everyday- so LaCorde is perfect. We heard a testimony from one of their workers there, who showed us that nomatter what our pasts are, we can have a hopeful future with Christ by our side.

One of the highlights of all of our groups day was once the kids started piling in at eleven. I can't even explain what it is about children that makes all your worries go away. They are so free spirited and it was such a blessing to be a positive impact on them. Our day ended with cleaning up some parts of LaCorde's building and we will return there tomorrow to help them in their current renovations.

If you have it on your heart to pray for us please pray for just cooperation within our group, pray that we will be a blessing to these kids and that tomorrow we will have the opportunity to witness to them, please pray that LaCorde's ministry is blessed both financially, physically and spiritually and please pray for their workers who have dedicated their lives to serving their community.

As I think about what we have and will be doing this week, I realize that we are seeing some things that Montreal struggles most with.

Day 1- Homelessness on the streets
Day 2 & 3- Poverty
Day 4- How the elderly have been forgotten from our society
Day 5- Homosexuality

I thank the Lord for His blessings up to this point and I am extremely excited to see what He has in store for our group.

Yours truly,
Bethany Grace.

Monday, April 4, 2011

An Opportunity to Serve

My Dear Followers,

Today I went with a group of highschool students and a few adult supervisors downtown to feed the homeless. This morning we prepared 90 sandwiches and I cannot believe they were all gone by the time that we started back to school. We spent two hours downtown and I can say that it was such a huge blessing.

I believe that God planned for us to have a cloudy, rainy day. It showed the kids how appreciatiave we should be for shelter. The homeless were so kind to us and were willing and eager to start conversation. They were extremely grateful, it made me realize how selfish we are. To see those who have so little have such great attitudes, it makes you question whether or not you have a good attitude. I'm thankful for theirs.

We saw so much poverty, but in the midst of their pain there was peace. I know that God can do such great things as He did today when youth, churches or anyone decides to do something for Him. It was a great day and the kids loved it. I did too.

I'm going to leave you with a verse I find encouraging.

Psalm 97:10 - Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for He guards the lives of His faithful ones.

Blessings, many.
Bethany Grace

Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 Hour famine April 2011

Dear Followers, 

This past weekend my youth group has been doing a thirty hour famine, we started yesterday right after lunch and we're going until today (Saturday). I was really excited about it, I mean- we had the chance to make sandwiches and feed the homeless today and their faces lit up, it was great.

I think we get way too caught up in this whole western world thing, I mean talking even to my Christian friends here, it's like we see pain all around us and we don't do anything about it. What the heck is that?

When I was in need, i found help. Just because i was privileged enough to get therapy and medication, it doesn't matter . They deserve help too, I just don't find it fair. I really wanna put this out there, that we should start being aware of our surroundings. My class talks every year on it in public speaking, what rules your world? what are you letting influence you? look around.. take out your earphones! But are we actually gonna stand up and do something about it?

It's so tough to stand up and say that you're gonna be different, but I wanna try it out- cause I know that in the end we're actually gonna become stronger people. I want to stop being so indulged in pay-checks from my work and how much money i'm making and how much I focus on school, and actually just for a second, lock my blackberry and just leave it in my bag. I want to get out there, and actually strike up conversations with the homeless and try and see where they're coming from, and brainstorm ways that I can help them.

pray for japan, pray for those who are hungry.

i love you all, your sister in Christ.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apologies, Apologies :(

Dear Followers, :)

I know, I know. It's been a while! I apologize a million x billion x gazillion times! Things have been so busy and stressful lately, I've had no internet time :(

Well, life is fair. Though my workload is full and I have little time to spend on myself, I'm content. Have you ever thought about that? I mean, for humans- we're so selfish! It takes so much out of us to just stand still, in a stressful moment and say: "you know, yea- it's so crazy right now.. But i'll be content." Why? Because we have the joy of the Lord.

How are you? Appreciate all of the leaves that are still on the tree's, they're gonna vanish fast :( Oh well, soon the snow will be here, we'll have the fireplaces on, the tree will be up and lit, and we'll say: "IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR!!!" Absolutely LOVE the holiday season.

Think about what you could, or should change in your life. I know it's the middle of the week, so it's kind of late to re-schedule everything, but think- what am i doing that is kind of, well- pointless? In my every day schedule, do i really glorify God through my words and acts? Just a thought i'm putting out there.

Take care, hopefully i'll write soon! Pray for me, I have 3 tests in the next couple of days.

All the love that I can give through Christ,


Monday, October 11, 2010

Reflecting on my blessings

Good evening, bloggers! :)

Alright, well this weekend has been absolutely INCREDIBLE! I can't believe how blessed I am to have such an amazing family and faithful friends. It makes me think, wow! Why me? I wonder why God has blessed me so much..

Thinking about how much I have to do this week makes me sad! :( It's the hardest year of Highschool, and they really use that to their advantage! Teacher after teacher, lecture after lecture, test after test.. when will it end? I know it will only get harder from here on out..

What a great few days, spending time with family and friends, reflecting on how much I have been given! Praise God...

Sleep well! :)  Talk to you soon


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yummy Turkey!

Happy thanksgiving weekend! I can smell the turkey! :) Hope you all are enjoying the long weekend and are getting some time to rest and reflect on the many reasons you should be thankful. I don't really understand how non-believers could celebrate this holiday, without thinking who they should be thankful to. I mean, yea. Sure we can thank our family members for always encouraging us and being there in our times of need, but who do we thank for our loved ones? Boy, am I glad I can answer that with gladness.

Thank you Lord for all of my friends and loved ones! :)

Take this time to thank God for how He has blessed you in the past year. How have you grown with Him? It's a wonderful time to come together with family and friends and just be grateful for our many blessings. I thank God for you!

Another thing to think about, should we only be thankful on thanksgiving? It's crazy to think about how selfish we are, we should constantly be in thanks to our God and Saviour. Last night I had a dream that some friends were making fun of me because I was listening to Christian music, It was nuts! I felt so alone, and scared- it almost made me feel embarassed.. But just think, Jesus was persectued even more. He's the one we're praising in this music! Whew, what a God! What a Saviour.

A couple nights ago I went to a David Crowder concert, featuring Hillsong Youth! It was great to meet them and share stories. Now they follow me on twitter!

Oh yea, by the way.. My twitter account is : BFGmotion

Enjoy the turkey! Give thanks to God, he's amazing :)

Bethany Grace <3

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Beginnings

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time, so we'll see how this turns out.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Bethany and i'm in the tenth grade. Next year I'm graduating from highschool, and i'm pretty pumped for that!

So why'd I start this blog? I guess because I feel like I have a lot to put out there, and taking every oppurtunity to do so would be beneficial for those around me, because I love to encourage and pray for everyone I meet. This blog will be centered around christianity and my walk in the faith. I've learnt a lot as I've walked with God.

I guess i'll just run through quickly who I am and how I came to be. I grew up in a Christian home, my parents are both missionaries here, in southern Quebec. Ever since I can remember, I've gone to a loud, lively church and most of my friends have been born-again christians. I was always a shy kid, growing up- many family members tell me I was funny, and laughed a lot. Once I entered Highschool and my sister had already gotten married, a lot of changes were happening in my life. At this point, I was still a believer but doubted not God's existance, but if he was a loving God, I didn't feel very loved by Him.

So i went through a lot, until finally I came to a point where I had to make a critical decision. I chose God, and ever since I've been living for Him. It's been 3 years since that dark time of my life, and a lot has happened for the good! He blesses us once we turn to Him.

Last March I went to Panama on my first missions trip. It was so encouraging, and me and 9 other classmates from my school witnessed. We led others to Christ, and it was incredible! This past summer I went on another missions trip with my youth group- to Chicago, Illinois, US. Awesome experience as well, as we led a VBS there, down south.

I plan to study social service in Cegep (after i graduate next year), unless God lead's me somewhere else. I have a huge burden for the needy.

"I serve the needy, because I was once in need."

So yea, welcome to my space! Hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit better and I'm aiming to help others in their walk.

If you ever want to contact me personally, my email is : bethanyfrank@ymail.com

Bethany Grace